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6 Breathwork Techniques: Energy, Balance & Calm

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  • Antonio Fonte-Santa
  • Alicia Machado MACHADO
  • Amanda Litersky
  • Anita Kilkenny
  • Julie Rice
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Lesson 4, Topic 1
In Progress

Outline KEVINCOPY Copy


Mantra Meditation Module OUTLINE

Session 1 : The Basics of Mantra Meditation

In this session, we will cover :

  • What is a Mantra? 
  • What is a Mantra Meditation?
  • What are the benefits of Mantra Meditation practice?

Session 2 : Cultivating and Teaching a Mantra Meditation

In this session, we will cover :

  • What types of meditations uses a Mantra?
  • How to create a Mantra practice of your own
  • How to teach a Mantra Meditation

Session 3 : OM Mantra Meditation

In this session, we will cover :

  • The Basics of Om Chanting
  • Short guided Om Chanting exercise 

Session 4 : Deity Mantra Meditation

In this session, we will cover :

  • The Basics of Deity Mantra Meditation
  • Lord Ganesha Mantra “Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha”
  • Goddess Lakshmi Mantra “Om Shree Lakshmi Namaha”

Session 5 : Chakra Mantra Meditation

In this session, we will cover :

  • The Basics of Chakra Mantra Meditation
  • What are Chakras?
  • The Seven Chakras : Location, Association and Sound / Mantra

Session 6 : Affirmation Mantra Meditation 

In this session, we will cover :

  • The Basics of Affirmations
  • Short guided Affirmation Mantra Meditation

Affirmations for Empowerment Meditation :
