Scholarship Application This is not a test. There are no wrong answers. We value your openness & honesty more than any specific set of criteria. Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Are you a Meditation Magazine Subscriber?(Required) Yes No What is your subscription number? (You can find it in the "Welcome" email.)How has meditation affected your life?(Required)Why do you want to teach meditation?(Required)What meditation techniques / styles do you practice?(Required)How long have you been meditating, and how often do you meditate?(Required)Do you already teach meditation? If so, which techniques?(Required)Have you ever taken another meditation teacher training course? If so, which one(s)?(Required)What do you hope to gain from this course?(Required)What do you hope to accomplish in your career/life as a meditation teacher? Where do you plan to teach, and who do you want to teach?(Required)What is your current financial situation, and how much financial assistance would you need in order to join the course?(Required)CAPTCHA