Experiencing Grief as Love: A Healing Series for Parents Suffering Child Loss

Kate Rylander · November 10, 2024

One of the most difficult things a human being can experience in life is the loss of a child.

There is no parent on Earth who can feel “fine” or “happy” in the aftermath of such a loss.

Grief is a natural response in this situation.

It’s not something you need to “get over” or “get past.”

Grief is a form of love. That’s why you don’t want to let it go.

It’s OK to not be OK in this moment.

But if we don’t know how to work with our grief — how to make peace with it, to experience it as love — it can become a problem for ourselves and for our loved ones who are here around us.

It can lead us to dark places that present a danger to ourselves and to those around us.

Instead of letting grief lead us into those dark and dangerous places, let’s experience it for what it truly is.

By experience grief as love, we are able to integrate our memories and love for the one(s) we lost in a healthy way, that will truly honor their memories, and carry them in our hearts while moving forward in the way that they would have truly wanted for us.

In this course, Kate Rylander, a Licensed Professional Therapist specializing in grief and loss, will take you on a journey of healing, from the dark places, into the light of the experience of grief as love ❤️


Course Includes

  • 17 Lessons

Ratings and Reviews

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Kevin Ellerton
Posted 4 months ago
Very powerful course

The most beautiful course on grief I have ever experienced.

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Lori Davidson
Posted 3 months ago

Kate has a beautiful calming and loving demeanor.
She lays her heart open with compassion and kindness ❤️🙏🏻
I am honored to say that she has become one of my dearest friends .

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