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Meditation Teacher Training (MTT-200) KEVINCOPY

0% Complete
0/0 Steps

Participants 1

Lesson 19, Topic 1
In Progress

Post a review for this course! KEVINCOPY

Please CLICK HERE to write a quick review for this course 😃

It only allows a couple of sentences, so it should take under a minute or two.


AFTER you post a review by using the link above, IF you have a minute or two to record a brief (one or two minute) video review of the course, so that future students will know what to expect when considering enrolling, we would greatly appreciate it ❤️ We recommend recording videos with your phone, or zoom, or

Please send video reviews to [email protected] (or feel free to upload to social media and send us the link if you prefer).

We deeply value your honest opinion & feedback. Thank you so much for being part of this course 🙏
