Ratings and Reviews
Take your time, don't rush yourself, and you will be surprised where some of these teachings will take you. Some things will click, and some things won't. What's important is to practice and make it your own. I will always remember the moments of clarity I experienced during meditations I was unsure of but continued to practice regardless.
This course is a must for anyone interested in teaching meditation. It is well thought out and impeccably put together. The Sunday Sangas are amazing. They allowed me to really get comfortable with guiding meditations. Not to mention the beautiful souls I got to interact with. I highly recommend this course.
Meditation University was an eye opener for me and truly allowed me to grow. Meditation University provides a true space for learning to meditate while assisting in growing your ability to guide others in meditation. This program encourages you to grow who you are, not change you to fit the mold of what any one style of meditation says you should be. 365 days a year I would recommend this for!!
The 200-hour meditation course has been life-changing. As a yoga teacher with anxiety, I’ve struggled with fear around teaching and leading, but this course has given me the confidence and tools to overcome that. It’s deepened my practice, helped me feel more centered, and empowered me to show up fully for both myself and my students.
The self paced content allows me to fully absorb the material on my own pace. I liked that the course has exposed me to the various meditation techniques. And most importantly, Kevin and the other instructors gave insights to run a profitable practice. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge!
I loved this course because of the in-depth and accessible content. I found myself looking forward to the videos each day and enjoying the learning process. I chose MU's teacher training over a couple other options because of the authenticity and integrity I felt from Kevin and this course. It's been a real blessing at this time in my life and I am grateful I did it.
This class was so comprehensive and also enjoyable. I learned a lot about myself and I also feel prepared to teach meditation. The community of teachers and students is very caring and helpful to help spread the good things that meditation does for individuals and the world. I was surprised by how much I liked elements of the class that I previously would have been hesitant about.
This course had both breadth and depth of topics. I appreciated the variety of teachers, bringing a broad set of meditation topics and techniques. The course broadened my horizons and served to inspire me to dive deeper into new techniques and practices. The Sunday Sanghas are a wonderful additional element to the course, providing great way to connect and practice live with fellow students.